Saturday, December 02, 2006

A week in the life

So. It's been a busy week with not much time for blogging. And what did I do, you might well ask. Or not, but it's my blog, so I'm telling you anyway. And you have to admit, I don't do these boring diary-type entries often.

Monday - Work. Flu shots. My employer has very generously offered to pay not only for employees but family members, so both my daughters and I had our shots.

I am making excellent progress on an annual project that I usually procrastinate so badly on each year that I am scrambling about like a mad scrambling thing at the very last minute before we break for Christmas to get it finished. The last day or two before we break, while my co-workers are slowing down, kicking back and indulging in some holiday treats, I? Am glued to the phone and computer desperately trying to get everything arranged. Which is complete and total lunacy, not to mention incompetence of the rankest sort. But not this year. This year, I am close to a full month ahead of myself. w00t! This is EXCELLENT.

My gym buddy and I have decided to up our cardio workouts to see if we can trim some of the blubber off'n our carcasses. 30 mins on the treadmill at a good, energetic clip, followed by 30 mins on the eliptical. We plan to do this three times a week. We shall see.

Monday night - Took both girls shopping, ostensibly for younger one's high school graduation dress. Looked at everything but. However, they have finally reached ages where an outing like that is rather enjoyable.

Tuesday - Work. Lifted weights at the gym. That's visit #2 this week.

Tuesday night - puttered around the house. Practiced Messiah, which goes up on the 15th and 16th of this month. This is my third time performing it and it's beginning to feel comfortable. I have many pieces totally memorized and have no parts left that are desperate sight-reading stretches, unlike the first year. I'm well pleased with my progress and still have two weeks in which to commit more to memory.

Wednesday - Work and more progress on my project. A haircut with which I am well-pleased, which is very good considering my baby-fine hair is the bane of my existence. I can lose weight. I cannot do anything about my hair. Another hour-long cardio-fest at the gym. Visit #3.

Wednesday night - Visited the provincial art gallery (free night) with a friend and then went to a local pub for their folk night. There was an exhibit by one of my favourite painters, who was born in my home province and now lives here, too, as well as a photographic retrospective of this city that just happened to have been begun 25 years ago, the same year I arrived, so quite interesting to me personally.

Thursday - Made more progress on said annual project. Fourth visit to the gym this week. More weights.

Thursday night - Met with director of our winter production to plan auditions that will take place next week and compare notes on props, set dressing, costumes, etc.. I'm also well ahead of myself on preparations for the play. From whence comes this sudden burst of organizing stamina? I don't know, but I'm liking it. We seem to be very much on the same wavelength on how things should happen. It bodes well.

Friday - Came very, very close to finishing that annual project. Just one more "site" to organize, which can easily be accomplished this coming Monday and then all that's left is the bit I can't do until the event actually happens.

Had a very intensive massage (no, not THAT kind, Audrey) that left me somewhat dizzy but actually relieved some of the lower back pain with which I've been plagued for the last 20 years. What a relief! I may even be able to keep it at bey, know that the therapist knows what works for me. Which is very good news for me, but not so much for the nice people who manufacture ibuprophen.

Friday night, after going to the gym (fifth visit this week - am being VERY disciplined) went, with two friends, to see a one-man play about a man reminiscing about his life. Excellent. Very well done, particularly the scene where he describes a family dinner and portrays eight people. Had a chat with the actor and director afterwards. Fortunately, we left just before I reached the point where I would have been unable to prevent myself from flinging myself shamelessly at the director. He. Is. Hot. Went to the pub with my friends and had a grand chat. Which is an excellent way to round off the week.

Today? NOTHING. Slept in. Puttered around the house in PJs. Tonight is our work Christmas dinner. Not much of a party, just an excellent meal. I came *this* close to having a date to take to the dinner, but he had to work this evening. Just as well. Me turning up with a man on my arm after all these years of attending stag would probably cause a death or two from shock amongst my co-workers. I shall cab it to and from the party, on my employer's nickel, which frees me to have more than one drink should I wish, but is also an extra relief this year because the weather is that nasty near-freezing rainy, slushy mess that can turn really slippery in the blink of an eye, so I'm quite relieved not to be driving.

Tomorrow is the weekly brunch with my female buddies from the theatre group and in the afternoon, a Christmas concert by the local university festival choir with one of my buddies from my choir.

And that? was my week.


Blogger Richard Wintle said...

Two notes:

1. 'Flu shots here are free. Freeeeeee with your Provinical health care, which hardly costs anything at all extra on your taxes.

2. Cabbies must be more reliable where you live than they are here... not sure I'd trust any of 'em to drive me home in anything worse than a damp mist.

Quite the week though.

December 3, 2006 at 11:51 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great post. How can you bring yourself to go to the gym when you've just been the day before? What on earth are you going to resolve to do for the New Year? you've already been so virtuous. Bravo.

December 3, 2006 at 3:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sing the Messiah?! *Smoo-ooch* One of my favourite pieces of music.

December 5, 2006 at 12:38 p.m.  
Blogger Misty said...

A massage, Christmas dinner, and a brunch?

Sounds excellent to me! :)

December 5, 2006 at 4:16 p.m.  
Blogger WrathofDawn said...

Sorry, Mr. Fab. It's just that once you build up momentum, it's hard to stop.

R'pus, flu shots are only free here for those "at risk" which neither the girls nor I are. Not sure about the cabbies, but it's better than driving drunk. *hic!*

Alethea - Thanks! If you saw my BMI score, you'd know how. Hmmm. Resolve for the New Year... dunno. Virtuous? Aw, shucks, ma'am!

Quentin - And a gurt big smoooooch right back! It's one of my favs as well, and the novelty of getting to perform it hasn't worn off yet.

Misty - It was a lovely weekend. Well, except for a certain person at the dinner, but I shan't have to see her again until at least June, so even that's not so bad.

December 6, 2006 at 1:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, ahhhh, AHHHHH!!!!! CHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!




December 6, 2006 at 6:31 a.m.  

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